Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I just went out to get the mail in the rain - on purpose! I love it when it rains here...it doesn't happen often so I needed to take advantage of this opportunity. I got nice and wet and it smells so good outside.

Owen has begun the adventures of crawling! When he first went after my cell phone I thought it was a fluke so I kept tossing it around the room and he kept after it...then the camera strap, then the VCR, the the paper bag.....I have put up one baby gate so far and have baby proofed the living room, entry and dining room. I'm working on his own room so I can safely let him have a giant playpen when I need to get something done. I'm pretty sure he's going to be a climber so that means I have to get to the store and find out how to bolt things to the walls! I also am in the middle of reorganizing his books so he doesn't destroy them from his slobber.

It's been really fun to watch him discover things...he has taken a liking to the vent in his room and just looks down it for minutes at a time. He especially likes it when the air is on...I found him looking down it yesterday and his little eyes were all red from the air blowing on them and his nose was pink and fingers were ice cold! We had to refocus on a new object.

That's what's new here...at the moment I am just hoping to finish my cup of coffee while it's still warm before he wakes up from his nap.

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