Sunday, August 31, 2008

It's Rodeo time!

This weekend is the Ellensburg Rodeo! Owen got into the spirit and I think is destined to be the cutest cowboy ever! In this little cowboy's downtime, he is crawling all over the house and showing me where I need to sweep and clean - evident by the dust bunnies and general dirt that shows up on his clothes as he scoots around on the hardwood floor. We have been to the fair 3 times now - we watch dad and our friend Jeremy lead the pee-wee rodeo for kids 6 and under as they get bucked off stick horses and bulls. Owen is just a bit young to be able to enter this year but we're holding out for next year!
Owen and Lipton competed for the empty diaper box - Lipton usually "hides" a felt mouse in boxes and then pounces on it when it least expects. Owen got to the box first this time though and Lipton has begun to learn to keep his distance - Owen especially likes whiskers and handfuls of fur...oh, and the tail is nice too.


Stan and Jess said...

I love his cowboy pictures they are so cute and funny!

Unknown said...

tell Karen to come home... I'm out of frozen meals. PS - Fred rocks, he let me use his computer.