Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mt. Hood

One of our outings with Nana was to Mt. Hood - a first for all of us but Ken, though it had been quite a while since he'd been there. Owen did great in the car thanks to Nana in the backseat with him and when we got there we found snow! It's a good thing we went the day we did because the next day the mountain had 15 in. of new snow fall! We went exploring in the HUGE lodge and went outside for Owen to experience snow that he would remember (a day old baby does not remember snow). His little hands got cold and red so we decided it was time to go inside for some hot cocoa - which Owen professes to love but only really wants the whipped cream and to eat the cinnamon stick. Some of the hot cocoa went onto the table but I think we wound up drinking most of it - and it was deee-licious!

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